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Research Associate I/II

Palo Alto, CA


Greenstone Biosciences, Inc. is a computational biotechnology startup company located at Stanford University Research Park in Palo Alto, California. Greenstone is dedicated to developing novel drug therapies using its proprietary drug discovery platform. We are interested in a talented and ambitious individual who has a keen interest and expertise in stem cell biology. We are seeking a highly motivated Research Associate to join our world class multidisciplinary scientific team. You will play a critical role to generate patient-derived human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and cell lines for disease modeling and drug screening.

As part of the Greenstone team, you will be responsible for reprogramming patient-derived human samples and performing laboratory duties in the Greenstone Biobank, the largest of its kind in the world. This position, Research Associate I/II, involves the culturing and maintaining of patient-specific iPSCs and cell lines, and the differentiating iPSCs into various cell types. You will also participate in quality control assessments, data acquisition and electronic notebook documentation. The ideal candidate has a strong background in stem cell culture, reprogramming and differentiation. Interested candidates should send their Resumes/CVs along with a cover letter indicating interest.


Performing in-person laboratory work using patient-derived human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).
Performing characterization experiments, doing drug screening, and making detailed scientific observations.
Conducting qPCR, Western blots and other hands-on wet lab techniques.
Executing on fully or semi-automated laboratory workflows for iPSC-derived cell model platforms in collaboration with Greenstone scientists.
Collaborating with Greenstone scientists in the development of disease model systems based on iPSC lines differentiated into multiple cell types.
Assisting in the maintenance and upkeep of the Biobank, including but not limited to managing Greenstone Biobank lab stock, chemical inventory, and safety records.
Make in-person presentations at weekly meetings.
Applicants from the San Francisco Bay Area are particularly encouraged to apply.


• Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in life sciences, e.g., Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, or related field.

• 2 years of relevant Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Pharmacology work experience in the United States.

• Human or mammalian cell culture and molecular biology laboratory experience.

• Experience involving iPS cells maintenance and multi-lineage differentiation.

• Experience with high-throughput plate-based techniques.

• Strong computer-based organizational skills and data handling.

• Ability to work independently, as well as, in a team-based environment.

• Excellent communication skills with team members and collaborators.

• Certificates in biological safety, hazardous chemicals, and medical waste regulations.


• Frequent standing, walking, bending, stooping, pushing, and pulling.

• Lightly grasping, using fine motor manipulation, and opening/closing doors.

• Perform desk-based computer tasks, writing by hand, and lifting objects weighing over 40 pounds onto/off of carts.

• Occasionally sitting, kneeling, squatting, crawling, reaching above shoulders, sorting and filing paperwork or laboratory consumables.

• Must have correctable vision to perform duties of the job.

• Ability to perform work for up to eight hours, with work breaks as prescribed by law.

• Position may require repetitive motion.


• May require safely working in close proximity to blood borne pathogens under a microscope or hood.

• May require working with or be in areas of the building or laboratory where safely contained hazardous materials and/or infectious diseases are present.

• May perform tasks that require the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as safety glasses, lab coats, closed-toe shoes, and gloves.

• May require work on weekdays after hours and weekends based on cell culture requirements and business needs.

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